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Remote Learning

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and families about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts need to remain at home.

For details of what to expect when individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.

The Remote Curriculum: Individual, Whole Class Closure or Whole School:

As soon as a child needs learn remotely, school will make visible pre-uploaded work on the class page of the school’s Learning Platform.

All children have their own log in details to Google Classroom (Years 1-6) or Tapestry (EYFS), as this is where homework is also accessed. All children have their own log in details, and are familiar with the platform, as this is where weekly homework is set.

Work will consist of English, maths and a foundation subject each day, together with reading and a period of exercise.

Following the first few days of remote education, we aim for child/ren to be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school, as we teach the same curriculum remotely. However, we may need to make some adaptations depending on the subjects. For example, if a year group were studying electricity, and we felt that families would not have the correct equipment at home, we may need to make adjustments.

Remote teaching and study time each day:

Work set by the school (including GoogleMeet sessions, remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:

Key Stage 1 – 3 hours

Key Stage 2 – 4 hours

Access to Remote Learning

If your child does not have digital or online access at home, we will support them in accessing remote education by:

  • Loan a device to families who need one
  • Source additional data/WiFi for families who need it
  • Give technical advice as needed
  • Any parent/carer needing this support should phone the school office on 020 8540 3004, or email

If access to remote education via the google classroom/ tapestry learning platform is impossible, school will supply Home Learning packs, and additional books, for children to be able to complete their learning at home. This will either be collected from school, or posted out to families. Work will be submitted back to school each week, to be marked. School will maintain regular telephone contact with these families.

We use a combination of the following approaches to teach all pupils remotely:

Work for the week in English, Maths and other subjects will be posted on the class website page by 9.00am, each morning

Years 1-6 Remote Learning

Google Classrooms

  • Teachers will set a series of daily tasks for relevant subjects.
  • Google Meets/phone calls twice per week for verbal interactions and feedback.
  • Links to daily English lessons – such as, a mixture of ‘BBC Bitesize’, Oak Academy and Lgfl resources. Lessons may be uploaded that are planned from the All Saints’ Curriculum.
  • Links to daily maths lessons – these will be a mixture of ‘White Rose’, NCETM and Oak Academy lessons, as well as hand-picked online resources that support the learning. Worksheets to accompany lessons should be uploaded as pdfs, but parents should be reminded that printing these is not always necessary.

Wider Curriculum -

  • Each week teachers will include: 5 wider curriculum lessons (for example, R.E., P.E., Art, Design and Technology, Computing, Science, Geography or History)
  • Each day teachers will include:
    • a short paragraph outlining the work,
    • a mixture of teacher videos (Oak Academy), PowerPoint slides and worksheets
    • teachers will differentiate the work according to pupils needs,
    • assign differentiated tasks to pupils,
    • provide feedback on pupils’ work (using the comments tool on Google Classroom),
    • provide feedback within 2 days of each completed task,
    • teachers will label each lesson clearly (e. g. English lesson 1 Monday 15/11)
    • teachers will create a topic label for each subject on Google Classroom

EYFS - Nursery and Reception Remote Learning

Much of our learning takes place through carefully planned free choice play-based activities that link to the key skills we are working on that week and reflect the Development Matters Curriculum. To reflect this, the home learning activity grids are put together, linking to our weekly key text, with ideas for practical learning experiences to both reinforce the key text and incorporate all the different areas of the curriculum.

We understand that our youngest children cannot access learning resources online without the support of their adults, so printable worksheets and activities will also be included. Many activities relevant for children in the EYFS rely heavily on adult involvement, so teachers will be understanding of different family circumstances. Many of our activities will need an adult to set up the activity for the child to access it. We bare this in mind when setting expectations.

In the EYFS many children’s attention spans will be limited to around 15 minutes, so it is expected that children will intersperse these activities with free-choice play and physical development activities. Nursery children are usually only in school for 3 hours a day, so online learning expectations will reflect this shorter day.

  • The class teacher will provide written instruction on Tapestry or a recorded video. Within this, they will include reference to the activity grid and any suggested daily activities.
  • Teachers will provide links to the key text for English lessons to be watched daily. This could be a link to the story being read online (for example on youtube) or a video of the teacher reading the story uploaded to Tapestry.
  • Reception will provide links to daily Maths lessons – these will be a mixture of ‘Numberblocks’ and Oak Academy, as well as hand-picked online resources that support the learning and worksheets to accompany lessons (Appendix G). Nursery will provide links to ‘Numberblocks’ and other hand-picked online resources such as songs.

Wider Curriculum-

  • Each week teachers will include: 4/5 wider curriculum activity ideas for parents (R.E., gross motor, fine motor, Expressive Arts and Design, Understanding the World) (Appendix G) Each day teachers will:
    • Welcome families using Tapestry (written or recorded)
    • Provide a mixture of teacher videos, activity ideas and worksheets,
    • assign differentiated tasks to pupils where necessary to meet individual needs,
    • provide feedback on observations uploaded by parents using the comment function of tapestry
  • Teachers will watch any recorded videos (Oak Academy) prior to using them to ensure they support children effectively and follow All Saints’ C of E School practices.
  • Teachers will already have a generic 1 week activity grid linked to a key text prepared and saved on the shared system.

Throughout the day, children or parents/carers, can email the class teachers if they have any questions or problems, via the parent email addresses.

Children's Engagement

Teachers will check whether children have logged onto the Google Classroom/Tapestry sessions each day, and are be able to monitor their engagement through the work that they produce following the lessons. If we have any concerns, we will message parents/carers, or write via a phone call or email. If we are concerned about a child, in line with safeguarding procedures, we will make contact with the Local Authority for support and advice.


Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others.

Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:

  • Whole class verbal feedback during GoogleMeet sessions.
  • Individual feedback each day via the messaging function on the Learning Platform, once work has been uploaded.
  • Occasionally, individual feedback at the end of the class GoogleMeet session might be appropriate
  • Additional support for pupils with particular needs.

Children with Additional Needs

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • The class teacher and SENDCo will keep in regular communication with children on the SEND register
  • Work will be differentiated to meet their needs
  • Additional support may be given on an individual basis e.g. if a child has an LTA they may keep in regular touch with the child via phone calls or GoogleMeet sessions
  • OT and SALT may continue virtually Remote education for self-isolating pupils