‘Growing Stronger Together in God’s love’ extends across all we do; academically, spiritually and emotionally, in a very nurturing and inclusive environment. By the end of the children's journey here at All Saints’, we want our children to be respectful, resilient role-models, having a self-belief in themselves and abilities, ready to go from strength to strength.
Our core purpose is ensuring children are ready for the next step in their learning journey, no matter what their background or starting point, 'Starting children off the way they should go' (Proverbs 22:6). This is brought together, and celebrated, through our core values of koinonia, compassion and love which is seen in all we do. We are passionate about removing physiological, safety, belonging and self-esteem barriers for each and every child, ensuring they can flourish. Central to our curriculum are the aspects of safety and personal development, through the teaching of a well-structured and progressive PSHE, SRE and pastoral curriculum. This is line with the expectation of all curriculum areas, which are sequenced purposefully, with careful attention being paid to what, and how, pupils learn in each subject area. Knowledge and skills have been progressively sequenced so that pupils build on what they already know, ensuring that they have a secure understanding of their learning . Here at All Saints’, we recognise that pupils have a wide range of differing abilities and needs, with this at the fore front of our minds, we aim to provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching tasks to abilities and challenging appropriately. Our curriculum seeks to introduce, or build upon, our children's knowledge and understanding of world religions and spirituality, we are mindful of the ethnic diversity and religious make-up of the school community (koinonia). This, as well as, the inclusion and promotion of British values taught throughout our curriculum, ensures that our children understand, and demonstrate, the importance of tolerance, compassion and respect, leaving All Saints' truly Secondary Ready.
Curriculum maps are produced for each year group ensuring clarity of coverage with a strong emphasis on progression of knowledge and skills, these maps reflect how the learning has been tailored to our school, linking learning with the locality of Wimbledon, London and the UK more widely, as well as our global links and learning, often reflecting the cultures in our community. Some content is subject specific whilst other content is combined in a cross-curricular approach enabling us to put knowledge into context.
Quality First Teaching is the basis upon which we implement, as teachers having the correct subject knowledge and skills to support children in becoming inquisitive, independent, resilient and socially conscious learners is key. Teachers demonstrate excellence through careful and accurate modelling, they have high expectations of what pupils can achieve and know that modelling the use of key vocabulary through writing and oral rehearsal is crucial to children's understanding. Teachers deliver a tailored and coherently planned curriculum with a progressive development and understanding of key knowledge, skills and concepts, which will be re-visited regularly. Knowledge organisers support the retention of key learning year-on-year, referred to as 'sticky knowledge'. Upon visiting lessons, it will be demonstrated that teachers have followed the National Curriculum and that this has been tailored and adapted to reflect the cultures and interests of the children. Pupils are active and engaged learners, with teachers bringing 'learning to life' by employing different strategies, included allowing the children to 'lead on' learning with a view to investigating, developing children's enquiring minds. Teachers are knowledgeable and skilful; having adapted learning to ensure children with Special Needs and those with English as an Additional Language are supported through adaptations of learning, they scaffold support when needed, which is withdrawn quickly, if unneeded, to ensure children gain independence. A clear understanding of assessment is vital and teachers use a variety of assessment techniques, including skilled questioning (open, closed or scaffolded in style) to ensure that the delivery pitch and pace of learning is accurate, in order to support and challenge learners further. Carefully selected enrichment opportunities are key in providing all pupils with new experiences to enhance their learning, ensuring cultural capital opportunities are valuable to all and that the social status of pupils does not put them at a disadvantage.
Pupils leave All Saints’ School with a secure understanding of the academic content delivered. We have the expectation that all pupils will have reached their potential and beyond. Pupils should have an understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible, and aware, and how to make positive contributions to our local, and global, community. Our pupils will always to endeavour to be the best that they can, knowing For with God, nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37
It is the role of subject leaders to effectively monitor and evaluate the subjects of which they manage. Subject leaders meet regularly with senior leaders, including the headteacher and Governors, to ensure the consistent review and development of each subject area. This feeds into the school's development plan and evaluations as we continue to grow and develop our curriculum offer in an ongoing capacity.
The following monitoring activities support the evaluation and development of subjects:
- Listening to our pupils' voices through the use of questionnaires and pupil book reviews
- Subject Leader monitoring: Lesson visits, scrutiny of books, assessment, pupil interviews and questionnaires
- Governor monitoring: Lesson visits, scrutiny of books, assessment, pupil interviews and questionnaires
We also utilise the following information to gain further insight into the impact and outcomes of our curriculum:
- In school attainment tracking of both core and foundation subjects
- Attendance data
- Behaviour Logs
- Outcomes in KS1 and KS2 tests
Download the Curriculum Below
You can download the Curriculum Map overview for the whole school and take a look at some of the key dates we celebrate throughout the year below.