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Reading For Pleasure

Reading to pupils and discussing books is crucial for all age groups.

‘Motivation and engagement are important for pupils’ progress in literacy/English. By creating a culture that puts reading and text discussions at the heart of the school day, teachers can develop positive attitudes to reading among their pupils, supporting language and literacy development.’ EEF

In EYFS, book corners, inside and outside are part of the children’s continuous provision. Teachers also read to the children daily.

In Years 1-6 there is lots of opportunities for teachers to read to their class. These books will either be a book specifically chosen linked to their topic, or to motivate and encourage pupils, we provide weeks where the pupils’ can choose what the teacher reads to them- teachers take into account the pupils’ hobbies and interests and what’s popular in their class at the time.

Click on 'Chapter One Videos', the tab on the right-hand side of this page to watch videos of authors reading the first chapter of their book, courtesy of Scholastic.

Love Reading for Kids have provided a selection of books especially selected for children in Year 1-6 of average reading ability- see below. If your child is a competent reader or has read all these titles, do take a look at the books in the year above. Our overall mission is to promote reading for pleasure with quality texts that are perfectly pitched for the age group and the curriculum. They have particularly avoided blockbusters, classic or set texts, known to everyone, so that we can include poetry, stunning information texts and inspirational books in which all children and young people can find themselves reflected.