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Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education

Growing Stronger Together in God's Love

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic education) is at the heart of our All Saints’ family. We intend for PSHE to not be seen as an hourly weekly lesson, but rather, to run through everything we do to support and nurture our children to be compassionate, confident and active members of society, Growing Stronger Together in God’s Love.

Through our sequential curriculum, we aim to instil in our children the self-worth and self-esteem to encourage them to aim high in their academic and personal achievements and goals, and also to have the knowledge and confidence to ask for help when needed and know where to find it. We want our children to be healthy in both body and mind and to understand what a healthy relationship encompasses. When faced with societal challenges, we want our children to show resilience and feel empowered through the knowledge, skills, attitudes and attributes that PSHE has embedded during their time at All Saints’.

We feel that our PSHE curriculum teaches our children to embrace and learn from our inclusive and diverse community and encourages them to have the courage to speak out when they witness unjust treatment of others. We want our children to demonstrate respect for all, to have an awareness of global issues and to understand how they can contribute to change, not just locally, but also around the world. Our teaching of PSHE both embraces and supports our school values of Koinonia, Compassion and Love and ensures that our children are well-equipped to take responsibility for their own wellbeing and to stay safe in our ever-changing society.

We believe relationships and sex education is important and define it in line with the Church of England’s aims for pupils being,

 “In Church of England schools, and in all schools, we want young people to flourish and to gain every opportunity to live fulfilled lives. For church schools, RSE is about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, healthy relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. It is also about the spiritual and moral aspects of relationships within a context of a Christian vision for the purpose of life.” Church of England Education Office Response to a Call for Evidence on RSE Curriculum.

With recurrent training given to staff and the encouragement of parental engagement both through workshops and consultation regarding policy development, we aim for our relationships education to be a partnership between home and school. Children are taught key facts about puberty and the changing body with the use of correct terminology, following DFE guidance. Using aspects of the No Outsiders scheme alongside Jigsaw, we teach our children about different kinds of relationships and gender identity because we feel that it is important that our children should have an understanding of the full diversity of the world in which they live and show love and compassion to all members of society.  Our transparent approach ensures that trust, consent and respect is fostered between the school and families that we serve.