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Nursery Admissions

Applications for Nursery can be made after the child's second birthday and children can start on their tethird birthday or the term after, space permitting. We offer morning places and afternoon places under the Universal Entitlement and Full Time places to those qualifying for the Extended Entitlement. From September 2020 we will also be offering self-funded full time places if there are spaces left after the government funded places have been allocated. Admission to our Nursery does not guarantee a place in the main school. For further details please refer to our admissions policy, see the link below.

Nursery 30-hour offer

30 hour free childcare for Nursery Age Children

We currently offer a limited number of 30 hour free childcare places for nursery age children only. These are offered on a first come, first served basis (based on our admissions policy criteria)

Please contact the school office for availability.

How do you apply for the 30 hours free childcare?

You can apply for the 30-hour scheme on the Government website.

If you are eligible you will be sent a code for 30 hours free childcare. You must bring this code to the school office along with your National Insurance number and child's date of birth. Once we have verified your code, you will be offered a place (subject to availability)

If you are not Eligible for 30 hours can you self fund?

If you are not eligible for the government 30 hours free childcare, you may choose to self fund a space. Your child will receive their 3 hours of government funded ‘free’ nursery provision each day and then the cost of 4 additional self funded hours would be £32 per day.

The availability of self funded spaces depends, as families eligible for the 30 hours take priority. Contact the school office for further information or if you want to know which childcare voucher schemes we accept email

Nursery Spaces available

In Nursery we can accommodate up to 26 children in both the morning nursery and afternoon nursery. However, we offer a combination of both part time and full time places. (all term time only)

  • Part Time Spaces - Children with part time places will attend either in the mornings (from 8.30am to 11.30am Monday to Friday) or in the afternoons (12.30pm to 3.30pm Monday to Friday).
  • Full Time Spaces - Children with full time places will attend from 8.30pm to 3.30pm Monday to Friday and must bring a nut-free healthy packed lunch. There is a cost of £6 per child per day who is offered a full time place.

Places will typically be made available as follows:

  • 8 full time 30 hours places
  • 22 morning places
  • 22 afternoon places

The school reserves the right to offer unused spaces to families requesting an alternative session, to maximise capacity in the nursery e.g. if we have unused full time places we may convert these to half day sessions or if we have unused half day places we make convert these to full time places.

When applying parents may list their session preferences in priority order. We will use our Admissions Criteria to rank all applicants and work from the top of the list downwards to allocate all available places. This means that a family applying for a full day place may be offered a half day place if all of the full day places have been allocated by the time we reach their position in the ranked applicant list.

Reception Admissions

All children can start Reception in the September following their 4th birthday. If your child attends our school Nursery, you will be provided with information at the correct time. If your child does not attend a Merton School Nursery, please go to the Merton website the September after your child's 3rd birthday to make an online application.

Full details of Merton's admission arrangements can be found on the Merton website.

Applying for a Reception place

The key dates for the Reception process can be found on Merton's website.

  • Please ensure that you meet the date for submitting your online application.
  • Submitting a late application could seriously jeopardise your chances of being offered a place at one of your preferred schools.
  • You must apply for a Reception place even if your child currently attends the nursery at our school.
  • We cannot guarantee places for children who are in our nursery, and your request to be considered for our school cannot be considered unless you submit a Reception application.

In-Year Admissions

Pupils can transfer to other primary schools at any time mid-year. This is organised through the Merton Local Authority. If applying for a Foundation Place, you will also need to complete a 'supplementary church form'. Please call the telephone numbers below for further information.

All Saints' Primary Office: 0208 540 3004

Morden Civic Centre: 020 8274 4906 Merton Website link