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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At All Saints’ C of E Primary School, we strongly believe in the importance of preparing our children to thrive in the multi-cultural country and world we like in. We have therefore designed our curriculum to be inclusive and to celebrate the amazing diversity our community, this country and the world has to offer. Our curriculum is designed to promote a tolerance, respect and acceptance of the characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation) and to challenge stereotypes.

This is achieved through discrete teaching and through incidental learning: 

  • Diversity in the Curriculum
  • Diversity Events Calendar
  • Diversity Projects
  • Diversity in Collective Worship

Diversity in the Curriculum.  See our EDI Snapshot below. We regularly review the content of our curriculum depending on the feedback from the pupils, families and our staff who are in our school community.

Diversity Events Calendar. See our EDI Snapshot for the dates in our calendar!

Diversity Projects. These are pupil-voice-focused activities led by our Ambassadors. For example, a diversity Survey of children’s attitudes to Diversity. We are in the process of creating an All Saints’ Anti-Racism Charter to support the Southwark Diocesan Board’s anti-racism work. Being anti-racist is not the same as simply not being racist. It is not enough as a school not to be racist; instead we must actively counter, disrupt and oppose racial injustice. The Ambassadors consulted with all pupils and parents on how we can challenge racism.  During our Collective Worships, the Ambassadors held discussions about what racism is, what children should do if they see or hear racism at school and we invited everyone to design posters that show what anti-racism means to them. Parents were also asked to discuss with their children what racism is and help them complete the poster. The Ambassadors then gathered everyone’s opinions about what they would like to see in our Anti-Racism Charter, before putting the final charter together... COMING SOON...

Diversity in Collective Worship. Each week, we hold a PSHE and a PictureNews Collective Worship which supports courageous advocacy and global citizenship. These Collective Worships help the pupils to make connections with themselves, each other and the world. It provides pupils with opportunities to look at people who lead different lives to them, face different barriers, leading to more awareness, understanding and above all… compassion. The discussions that take place also provide a platform for pupils to challenge injustice, use their voice and engage in social action. The transforming Holy Spirit came down at Pentecost and enabled the disciples to bridge and transcend ethnic and cultural differences. The gift of Pentecost was the ability to communicate across barriers and boundaries, to recognise that the spirit enables unity and flourishing in all our God-given diversity and that all Christians are charged with a mission to build an incarnational and intercultural kingdom of God.