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Year 2 Expectations

We set our expectations around what we consider to be the best support for your child, in their academic, spiritual and pastoral needs. Homework time is an opportunity to be involved in your child’s learning journey and to help build their confidence and enthusiasm in their learning. Home learning is a chance to consolidate, inspire and explore different areas of the curriculum whilst encouraging your child to become a lifelong self-learner.


As a minimum, we ask children in Year 2 to complete the following home learning every week:

  • Practice reading and spelling the set common exception words given out weekly which link to their current English unit
  • Book sharing books to be taken home weekly (Fridays) from the book corner.
  • Children will take home either a 'Read Write Inc.' storybook and 'Read Write Inc.' book bag book, or they will take home the Accelerated Reader book for their level
  • Teachers set a short maths or English task, for the parents to complete at home and upload to Google Classroom
  • Children will also be provided with weekly 'Read Write Inc.' virtual learning links, which include videos linked to one of the sounds that they have learnt at school in phonics that week, so that they can consolidate their learning and practise reading this sound correctly in words at home.

We will also provide optional tasks:

  • An optional task will be available linked to the children’s current topic
  • An optional task is the weekly Picture News at Home, which follows on from our Collective Worship for that week.