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All Saints’ School Anti-Racism Charter

We are stronger Together – Together We are One

After reading read the 3 main principles in the Southwark Diocese Anti-Racism Charter, in our Ambassador meeting, we thought about what we already do in school to celebrate our differences. We also held a collective worship to collect the ideas and opinions of the children in our school. Here are some of the ideas we gathered:

  • Lessons where we work as a team
  • Odd Socks Day
  • Celebrating Our Community Week
  • Partner work in class
  • Everyone gets a chance to share their views in the classroom
  • Everyone plays together in the playground
  • We respect children’s rights
  • Wear our own clothes days

Next, we thought about what an Anti-Racism Charter would mean for our All Saints’ school community and we decided:

  • It will encourage us to be independent and stand up for ourselves and others
  • It will help us to know that we can be friends no matter what our race or culture
  • It will help us to understand that we cannot be a bystander to hate language
  • It will teach us how to welcome people to our school
  • It will teach us to not tolerate racism
  • It will help us to think about what Jesus would do when faced with a difficult situation
  • It will help us to grow stronger together in God’s love

Then, we asked our community of children and parents what they thought should be included in our Anti-Racism Charter. We gathered ideas and brought them together under one Charter:

All Saints’ School Anti-Racism Charter

We are stronger Together – Together We are One

God began by making one man. From him came all the different people who live everywhere in the world. Acts 17:26

  • In our school, there are no outsiders, everyone is welcomed.
  • We will take time t understand and celebrate other people’s cultures and take pride in our own culture.
  • We understand that nt being racist isn’t enough and know that if we see racism happening, we need to report it to an adult straight away.
  • Through Compassion, we will teach discriminators how to show Love and respect to others. We understand that we are all role models.
  • We understand that all children have the same rights and that racism has no place in our school.