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School Building Fund

Unlike state schools, Church of England schools have to pay for buildings maintenance and school improvements, which are not covered by the budget from the Local Authority.

All Saints’ C of E Primary School, along with other local church schools, works with the local diocese of Southwark to provide a safe and comfortable environment in which to teach our children and our school buildings and infrastructure are maintained through the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education (SDBE) Maintenance Scheme. Under this scheme, we are required to pay an annual levy and, in return, the Diocese contributes 90% to the cost of our capital building projects. However, we do have to pay the other 10% and we are required to raise funds for this purpose by asking parents for voluntary contributions. Your contributions, which are kept separate from all other funds and used only for this purpose, are paid into the “All Saints’ Building Fund”.

In recent years, this scheme has enabled us to unlock funding to improve security and also to improve the layout and facilities at Hanover Road creating the new spaces for the breakfast/after-school clubs and the office.

Contributions to the All Saints’ Building Fund are vital in order to be able to develop and improve the facilities we can offer our children. We would like every family to make a donation to the All Saints’ School Building Fund. We are suggesting a donation of £15 per term (£45 per annum), per child. With this level of contribution from everyone, we can continue to improve the school environment and give our children the best educational resources. "

Simply login to your Parentmail Account to pay your contribution.