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Reception Admissions

Please find information about Reception and in Year Admissions below. 

You can find out more information about our Reception Curriculum or about 'a day in the life of a Reception child' You can also print out 'An overview on Nursery and Reception.' 

We have also created a virtual tour of All Saints'

If you are interested in visiting the School please call us on 020 8540 3004 or email us on to arrange a visit or book a place on one of our Open Days.

Reception Admissions are Run by Merton Council 

Reception Admissions

When is a child eligible for Reception?

Children start Reception in the September after they turn 4 years old, so you need to make sure you have applied directly with Merton by their January closing date of the beginning of that same year.

How do I apply for a Reception place?

Merton administers all of the school’s admissions for Reception. They accept online applications for Reception places between September and mid-January each year for places in the following September. 

Open Days and Parent Tours

Do contact us for information about Open Days and Parent Tours for Nursery and Reception. 

Foundation Places (Church Places)
If you are a regular church goer, you maybe eligible to apply for one of our Foundation Places. To apply for a Foundation Place, please make sure you also download below and fill out the 'Reception Application Foundation Place Supplementary Form', making sure section 5 is filled out and signed by your Priest or Minister and return this directly to the school.

A copy of the Borough’s Admission Policy is available to download on the council’s website, alongside other admissions information. Find out More