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A day in the Life of a Nursery Child

We offer a morning and afternoon session for Nursery children with up to 26 children in each session. The
Nursery is staffed by a qualified teacher and supported by an experienced Learning Support Assistant.
Nursery learning is very play-based although each child will still experience two carpet times in each
session in preparation for moving up to Reception.

Morning Nursery
8:30am – 11:30am

Afternoon Nursery
12:30pm – 3:30pm

  • 8.30 am - Our doors open to the children and their parents and carers at half past eight. Parents are encouraged to ‘stay and play,’ with their child, helping them to find their name card and settle at an activity. This is always a good time to have a chat with the class teacher, see any new work displayed that your child has completed and the children are always keen to share their news from home! The children are encouraged to self-register and to hang their coats and bags up on their peg. We encourage children to do as much of their early morning settling-in jobs themselves to develop their independence.
  • 9am - The children sit on the carpet for their first teaching session of the day. We talk about what month of the year it is, what season it is and we sing our, ‘days of the week’ song. We discuss what the weather is like and find out what the date is. We will then have a teaching input, usually with a Maths, Literacy or Topic focus.

  • Following our carpet session, the children are able to choose their learning. We offer ‘free-flow’ in our Nursery so that children have the option to choose their learning both inside and outside. Activities in both spaces have been carefully planned and set up in order to lead on the childrens’ learning. Maths and Literacy opportunities are brought into all activities. In the role play area they might write a ‘receipt’ in the shop, or count out how many pennies their shopping costs.

  • Our self-service, ‘snack station,’ means that the children are able to choose when they would like to have their morning snack. The children are taught to wash their hands before they have their snack and how to put their rubbish in the bin. This helps to develop their independence.

  • During the week, each child will complete an activity with an adult. This is usually a Literacy or Maths activity delivered in a fun and hands-on way. Observations completed by the Nursery staff record the children’s interests and what the next steps to move their learning on will be. The adult-led activities, as well as activities provided for the childrens’ ‘choosing time’ target these next steps.

  • We aim to provide a wide range of different experiences throughout Nursery. We have been fortunate to have had some lovely experiences, including hatching butterflies and chicks.

  • 11am – We tidy up our classroom and have our final teaching session. We share a story and our school prayer. The ‘Star of the Day,’ the child who has demonstrated something exceptional that day is chosen and awarded their sticker.

11.30 – Children are collected.