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All our Early Year’s teachers are specialists in teaching the Early Years Foundation Stage and have a passion for delivering excellent teaching and learning. Research has shown how important it is for childrens’ overall academic achievement to have a good foundation to their learning in the Early Years. At All Saints’, we recognise this importance and have continued to make the development of our Early Years setting a priority. Two years ago we built a brand new dedicated outside learning area just for our Early Years children. We offer the children ‘free-flow’ opportunities during the times when they are not doing focused learning with an adult. This allows the children to move freely between the indoor and outdoor areas, and enhancing the opportunities for learning. 

In the Foundation Stage the children follow the Development Matters curriculum, where learning opportunities are carefully planned to help the children meet their developmental milestones. At All Saints’ we have an enquiry based curriculum which aims to foster a love of learning and inspire the children to ask and answer their own questions.

By the end of their time with us it is expected that ‘most’ children will achieve their Early Learning Goals during their time in Early Years. The Early Learning Goal are divided into 17 areas of learning under the following headings:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Understanding the World 
  • Expressive Arts and Design

EYFS Early Learning Goals

Parents are kept up-to-date on their child’s learning through our termly newsletter as well as weekly overviews of some of our activities sent home in their home learning books. We let parents know what our learning focuses are for the following week and how you can help support your child with their learning at home. We offer parents evenings as well as workshops where you can find out more about the Literacy schemes, (Read, Write INC and Talk for Writing) we use in class and how you can support your child with this at home. We value our school partnership with parents and work closely together to ensure your child has the best possible start to their time in school.

Each term we focus our learning around a different topic for each year group, you can find out more from the newsletter that your class teacher sends out at the beginning of each term or download a copy here.

If you want to have an insight into what a Reception Child gets up to during their School Day then take a look at 'A day in the life of a Reception Child.'