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Parent Mail

How do you get a ParentMail Account?

The school sets up a secure online account for you when your child starts School. You will be sent either an email and/or text message from ParentMail, when you receive this please just follow the instructions in the message. Please contact the school if you have not activated your account yet.

ParentMail Benefits

All School communications get sent out via ParentMail, so we can reduce the amount of letters going out in book bags.

ParentMail has more applications such as Forms, Trip Permissions, Surveys, Meeting and Event Invitations and Absence reporting, which we will also be adding.

ParentMail enables parents to pay for the following;

  • Clubs
  • 30 hour Nursery
  • School trips
  • Breakfast club
  • After school club
  • Residential trip

Download the ParentMail App for Android and iOS