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What does D&T look like at All Saints’?

The D&T curriculum is taught following the National Curriculum, through a knowledge and skills-based approach. The skills and knowledge that children will develop throughout each D&T topic are mapped across each year group and throughout the school to ensure progression.

At All Saints’, our Design and technology curriculum is structured on the aims of the National Curriculum and linked to our wider curriculum topics in each year group and the liturgy calendar to ensure relevancy and context.

The children are taught skills and given opportunities to practise and develop mastery in the key processes of D&T: design, make, evaluate and technological knowledge. The key skills have been broken down into specific year groups to ensure there is coverage and progression across the school and children can build on their prior learning year-on-year.

We strive to challenge all children to grow from their starting point, supporting and scaffolding tasks to help every child achieve.

The children’s Design and Technology is enhanced with planned weeks such as STEAM week and community week.

Our Community fortnight allows us to celebrate our diverse community and incorporate our core values 'Love, Compassion and Koinonia'. Children prepare and cook a dish to fit with their geography and history topic.