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A day in the life of a Reception Child

We have two Reception classes that offer full time places for up to 60 children. Each class is staffed by an Early Years teacher and supported by Learning Support Assistants. The Reception year is the final year of the Foundation Stage where children will work towards achieving their Early Learning Goals. Reception is a gradual transition between Nursery and the more structured approach in Key Stage 1.  

Children will continue to have opportunities to access play-based learning experiences but will also have more formal lessons. Each day lessons will include Read, Write, Inc (Phonics), Literacy, White Rose Maths alongside Numberblocks and one of the foundation stage areas of learning e.g. understanding of the world. 

During the Reception year, children will also become involved more in daily school life, having their lunch in the hall, attending daily acts of whole school worship and joining Key Stage 1 on the main playground.

  • 8:45- Doors open and parents are invited to bring their child into the classroom and help them settle at an activity. As time goes on, we encourage the children to become more independent; completing self-registration, putting their book bag away and their coat on their peg. This is a time for you to pass on any messages to the class teacher or make an appointment to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. 

  • 9:00 - Register-time to talk about the day ahead and complete the calendar. During this time children learn about the days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Number skills are also encouraged; counting to see how many children are here today, or counting backwards to work out how many children are here if 2 are missing. They also start forming their letters too.

  • 9:10 - Literacy- Stories form a major part of curriculum and sharing them together helps develop a love of reading and oral storytelling. Texts are carefully chosen around the term’s topic or to encourage certain skills highlighted by the class teachers. These then form the ‘adult focus’ activity for the week which the children complete in small groups supported by the class teacher. 

  • 9:30 -  Free Flow- children have access to both indoor and outdoor classrooms and are encouraged to choose from a range of carefully planned activities. This is when an adult will support groups of children in their learning while the other adult makes observations of the children at play. While at play the children are continually learning new skills. This may include specific areas of learning or how to be part of a group. Vital social skills are learnt while at play.

  • 10:30 – Numeracy - The second carpet session will have a Numeracy focus with the children learning key counting skills. We introduce new concepts of learning as a whole class then set up activities that support this learning which the children are encouraged to complete at their own level. Observations of the children at play help us to plan next steps for individual children in order for each child to make progress at their own rate. 

  • 11:00 -  Free Flow 

  • 11:30 -  Song/ Story Time - As we get ready for lunch, we have a brief carpet time focussing around singing or reading stories. The children all say a prayer before going to lunch. 

  • 11:45 -  Lunchtime- The children eat their lunch in the hall, and have an earlier lunch than the rest of the school, to allow for a calm environment. We have a cook on site who prepares nutritionally well balanced meals daily. Members of the Early Years Team serve the children their lunch and encourage the children to try new foods. Some families choose to send their children with a packed lunch. There is a meat or vegetarian option and they can choose to have bread and salad from the salad bar. They also have a choice of pudding or Fresh fruit and water. Throughout the day children have access to fresh fruit and milk and water at the Class 'Snack Station.'

  • Once the children have eaten their lunch they are then taken to the Early Years’ Playground for lunchtime play. 

  • 12:45 -  Phonics- The children are taught using the Read, Write Inc scheme and this starts with whole class sessions learning to match letter names and sounds, play rhyming games, begin to write letters and are introduced to  the first key words. After the first term, the children are then streamed so phonics sessions are taught in small groups to match their individual stage of learning. The sessions include phonics, reading and writing activities. 

  • 1:15 - Free Flow 

  • 2:30 -  Topic- the final carpet session of the day has a topic theme which may include technology, learning about the world, PE or RE elements. The children also start to attend whole school assemblies in the hall where we focus on our Christian Value for the term, learn school hymns and SEAL (Social Emotion Aspects of Learning.)  

  • 3:15 -  Getting ready for home time 

  • 3:30 -  Home time- children are dismissed from the classroom.