What is the impact of maths at All Saints'?
The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that children understand the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to real world concepts. Children know that maths is a vital life skill that they will rely on in many areas of their daily life. In addition, they have a positive view of maths due to learning in an environment where the subject is promoted as being exciting and engaging. We embrace mistakes and use this as a learning opportunity - the journey to finding an answer is most important!
Children are confident in choosing the manipulatives they need to help them to learn along with the strategies they think are best suited to each problem. Our children have a good understanding of their strengths and targets for development in maths and what they need to do to improve.
Maths books show a high standard of work which children take pride in, whilst the range of activities demonstrate good coverage of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving to challenge all learners.
Our live marking and verbal feedback strategies support children in striving to be the best mathematicians they can be whilst ensuring a high proportion of children are working at age-related expectations or above.
By the end of their All Saints’ journey, the children will leave Year 6 with the fundamental skills to progress in the future and support them in their everyday lives.
In 2023, 90% of children in Year 6 met expected standard in maths. This is above National Average and Merton Average. We are committed to every chid achieving their full potential.