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1. What does Art look like at All Saints'?

At All Saints’, our Art curriculum is based around the aims of the National Curriculum and is shaped by our All Saints' Approach: Engage, Skill-build and Create-Evaluate. The areas of learning link to our wider curriculum topics in each year group and the liturgical calendar to ensure relevancy and context.

All of the elements and skills being built upon are covered within each Key Stage cluster – Early Years, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2, Upper Key Stage 2. These elements are: drawing, painting, sculpture, printing and collage.

The children are taught the skills of an element of Art each term. As part of each unit of work, the children have the opportunity to experiment and develop their skills to create a final outcome, evaluating their own and peers' work. More detail can be found on our long-term plan. The works of significant local, national and international artists are explored in depth to enhance the children’s knowledge of historical and cultural development of artists’ techniques and works.

The children’s art journey is further enhanced with particular planned weeks such as STEAM week and diversity week.

At All Saints’, all children in Key Stage One and Two take ownership of their own sketchbook where it is encouraged for children to have creative control.  It is encouraged as a place to experiment and take risks, without the fear of doing ‘wrong’. Children are encouraged to evaluate their Art and Design work individually, with peers and also adults.