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2. What is the impact of art at All Saints'?

By the time children have finished their journey at All Saints’, they will have enjoyed, and made the most of, engaging and fun-filled lessons.  

Over time, they have learnt, improved and built upon, a range of skills in all of the chosen different elements of Art and Design. They will have an awareness of a broad range of artists in our world, and in our history, and will have explored their techniques and craftsmanship.

By the end of Year 6, our young artists will to be confident in creating art work by applyig their skills. Through experimenting with art, and taking risks, value is placed on the process of it, but by the end, evaluating the strengths, and areas to develp in their art work.

Most importantly, we want children to enjoy art as a means of expressing themselves and for enjoyment and to develop a life-long passion for artists, the art works they create and to aspire to utilise these talents in their future years. 



Year 1-6 Data Outcomes