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- 1. What does writing look like in EYFS at All Saints'?
1. What does writing look like in EYFS at All Saints'?
Writing, along with reading, makes up literacy, one of the four specific areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
The Early Learning Goals for writing come from both literacy and physical development.
Children at the expected level of development will:
- Write recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed;
- Spell words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters;
- Write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by others.
For Nursery it is all about building finger strength, drawing pictures, experimenting with marks and then correctly forming the letters in the children's names.
For Reception the children will continue with all of those activities and as they gain phonic knowledge they will be supported to write simple words and sentences.
All Saints' Approach to Writing in Early Years