Languages (Spanish)
Growing Stronger Together in God's Love
At All Saints’, we encourage children to enhance their communication skills through a love of learning a foreign language, Spanish. Our Spanish curriculum engages, inspires and challenges our children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to communicate, socialise and express themselves with those around them in a modern foreign language. They learn how the Spanish language has shaped our history, contributes to other cultures and adds to the wealth of our world; they learn to love and appreciate it!
As part of lessons, children are given the opportunity to work collaboratively as a team with their peers. Often they talk about their ideas and processes they have used in their own and others’ work. We strongly encourage children to recognise the strength in their own work and in others’, being kind, understanding and compassionate when mistakes are made.
Children have meaningful opportunities to create a communication bridges in order to learn about another culture and learn the differences and similarities between this and their own one.
In our Spanish curriculum, we encourage children to explore, analyse, communicate and although they may come across challenges in their learning, we encourage children that making mistakes is part of the journey. Through Spanish learning, the students build their resilience, which is the key to carry on growing, in both their academic and personal development. Evidence of their creative journey is seen in their Spanish speaking interaction and books, where they have creative control and the opportunity to reflect and review their work.
As in all of our subjects, as children work through the Spanish unit in hand, they will be given opportunities to explore and be immersed in learning, be explicitly taught skills and learn to apply, and critique, them through our All Saints' Approach: Engage, Skill-Build and Create-Evaluate.
At All Saints', we value the importance of learning a modern foreign language. We recognise that learning a foreign language provides an opening to learn about other cultures and broaden our children’s horizons. Our teaching of Spanish aims to enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. Learning a language fosters pupils’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world.
We give children the time and space to engage with learning by allowing them to explore and be immersed in the language. We know children learn another language best by this immersion: watching, listening and practising. It is our intent to progressively build our children's knowledge and skills in order for them to independently create their own spoken and written sentences, conversing and expressing their ideas and thoughts in Spanish.
We begin teaching Spanish in the Early Years, by singing simple Spanish nursery rhymes; exposure to a foreign language at a young age provides the foundation for learning other languages in the future. By the end of Year 6, children will be able to write, speak and understand the language confidently enough to take them on to the next step of their journey and into secondary education.
In Year 1 and Year 2, the students learn Spanish through songs linked to topics that Year 3 are learning.
The children start to get familiar with vocabulary, accent, rhymes and when they get to Year 3, students are confident and enjoy learning Spanish even more.
Year 3
Autumn 1 Hola (Greetings and Introductions): Year 3 will learn the different greetings in Spanish, how to ask and answer them; the numbers from 0-12 in Spanish and how to count objects around them.
Autumn 2 Contando (Numbers): The students will learn the colours; the parts of the school and how to describe their own one; the stationary that they can find in the classroom and how to ask for the items they need every day.
Spring 1 Mi colegio tiene colour (Colors, days of the week and months of theyear): Year 3 will learn the days of the week, the months of the year and finally the numbers till 31 to be able to write dates and communicate their date of birth.
Spring 2 Todo acerca de mi (All about me): This term the students are going to learn about the members of the family; how to describe people physically and the parts of the body.
Summer 1 Los animals (animals): Year 3 will look at animals, how to describe their pets and be able to communicate likes and dislikes about animals, as well as to ask and answer if they have pets.
Summer 2 Dónde vivo (Where I live): Our students will be able to communicate where they live and describe their homes. Also, they will learn how to describe and what they have in their own bedrooms.
Year 4
Mi Casa (My house): Year 4 will learn the parts of the house using the appropriate verbs; indicate where they live and who is living with them.
La Navidad (Christmas): Our students Will learn the vocabulary related to Christmas, as well as recognise the important dates in the Spanish calendar.
Los números (Numbers up to 100): Year 4 Will learn how to write and say the numbers up to 100 confidently.
Las tareas de la Casa (House chores): Year 4 will learn the chores in a house and be able to maintain conversations about who does the house chores in their own homes.
La ripa (clothes): Year 4 is going to learn about clothes and describe them, express what they are wearing, likes and dislikes.
El tiempo libre (My free time): Summer is coming, and our pupils in Year 4 are going to learn the different activities that they like, or they don’t like to do in their free time.
Year 5
Mi habitación (My bedroom): Year 5 will recap greetings. Our pupils will be able to communicate how to describe and what they have in their own bedrooms.
Las preposiciones (Prepositions of place): Year 5 will learn propositions to indicate where items are.
La hora (Time): Once the pupils know how to express time, they will learn how to express routines and indicate at what time they do it. Year 5 will also recap learning from Year 4- house chores and to ask and answer which house chores they do at home.
La rutina(Routine): Once the pupils know how to express time, they will learn how to express routines and indicate at what time they do this.
¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much is it?): Year 5 will learn more about clothes expanding their vocabulary further- describe clothes, express what they are wearing, likes and dislikes. in addition, they will learn the price of items and how to buy an item.
Me gusta... (I like…)
Year 6
La hora (Time): Year 6 will remember the greetings and how to introduce themselves; numbers to be able to learn and communicate the time.
La rutin (Routine): Once the students know how to express time, they will learn how to express routines and indicate at what time they do it. Also, Year 6 will learn the house chores and to ask and answer which house chores they do at home.
La ripa (clothes): Year 6 is going to learn about clothes, describe clothes, express what they are wearing, likes and dislikes. Also, they will learn how to say prices and buy clothes from the shop.
La comida (Food and drinks): Our students are going to explore the world of food. They are going to learn food, traditional Spanish dishes, how to order food and drinks in a restaurant.
Mi barrio (My neighbourdhood): Year 6 is going to learn to describe their neighbourhood and what there is, places in the local community and express their location on a map. Also, they are going to learn how to give directions to get to a place and ask for a specific location using the vocabulary and the verbs correctly.
Me gusta… (Recreative activities): The students will learn to express their likes and dislikes: recreational activities, to talk about their favourite activities using the verbs correctly.